
2024 ANZAC Day Service

Lest We Forget 2024 ANZAC Day Service

On Wednesday April 24 Tyrrell College held an ANZAC day memorial service to honor the courage, sacrifice and legacy of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. The school service was conducted by secondary school captains Lucas McInerney and Montana Kelly and the wreath laying ceremony was presented by our primary school captains– Arli Roberts […]

School Wide Positive Behaviour Morning Tea

School Wide Positive Behaviour Morning Tea

The SWPB program encourages positive learning and behaviour from all students through an acknowledgment system based on our school values – Aim High, Respect, Honesty and Responsibility.  At the end of each term, one Primary and one Secondary year level are acknowledged the winner, determined by ratio. Winning year levels select bell songs for the […]

Year 6 GRIP Leadership Excursion

Year 6 GRIP Leadership Excursion

On Tuesday April 30, Year 6 students attended the GRIP Leadership Conference in Bendigo. GRIP stands for Generosity, Responsibility, Integrity and People and is an organisation that concentrates specifically on training student leaders for their role as such. The goal is for students to leave the conference with a clear vision, a solid understanding and […]

VCE Ag & Hort

vce ag hort tyrrell college

The VCE Ag & Hort students are currently studying Innovations and Technology. Last Thursday they travelled to Jeremy Watson’s farm to view his colour sorter in action. Jeremy saw the potential in investing in this machine and is one of the only broadacre farmers in Victoria to do so. Unlike a normal seed cleaner, the […]

Year 8 Science

year 8 science tyrrell college

Recently, in the Year 8 Science class, students were exploring the human digestive system, and how the different tissue and organs work together to perform a combined function. We learnt that the digestive system’s role is to ingest, digest and absorb nutrients so that the body can use them to build other materials like: enzymes, […]