The VCE Ag & Hort students are currently studying Innovations and Technology. Last Thursday they travelled to Jeremy Watson’s farm to view his colour sorter in action. Jeremy saw the potential in investing in this machine and is one of the only broadacre farmers in Victoria to do so. Unlike a normal seed cleaner, the colour sorter can be programmed to identify seeds based on colour and then eject them from the sample with a burst of air. Therefore, removing unwanted seeds of similar size to the wanted seed. While we were there, they were busy getting vetch out of their lentils ready for sowing. It also has the ability to remove cracked lentils as well as it sees the bright orange colour and ejects it. Ultimately, Jeremy views the colour sorter as a risk mitigator to safely remove all unwanted seeds from his sample so that each year he is sowing cleaner paddocks, and the weed seeds should reduce each year. As well as clean his harvested seed for delivery when time allows. It also has the potential to identify shapes as well as colour, but they are yet to utilise that aspect of it. Next, we travelled to Birchip Cropping Group (BCG), where Joe Collins gave an overview of the trials and research conducted at BCG and a tour through the facilities. After lunch we headed out to last year’s main site where the NVT program was and witnessed their new drone in action, mapping and photographing the site. We thank Jeremy and Joe for giving up their time at this busy time of the year to demonstrate and discuss their new technology and innovations. It was very informative and appreciated.