

Dream big. Work Hard. Make it happen!

Years 7 – 10

Tyrrell aims to provide students with exposure to as many subject areas as possible. With additional time dedicated to Literacy and Numeracy in lower Secondary years, our intention is to further develop the foundation skills students bring with them from primary school.

In addition to English and Maths, students complete other core subjects including Science, Humanities, Health and PE, and combined Wednesday Sport for Years 7-9. Our elective program overs Year 7 & 8 allows students to complete Art, Food Technology, Wood, Metal, Digital Technology, Outdoor Education, Horticulture and Digital Technologies. At Year 9, students further extend their understanding and exposure to Agriculture through the completion of the year long subject, Farm Production. In addition to core subjects, students also complete STEM and CLIP which is a Community Leadership and Involvement Program. CLIP students are currently completing their Certificate II in Active Volunteering, including their First Aid and Food Handler’s certificates.

In Year 10, we tailor student programs to suit individual learners through opportunities such as early entry to Vocational Major (VM)* or Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC)* and other VET subjects such as Certificate II in Community Services. Students also complete Work Experience and may undertake Work Placement programs that allow them to experience work in specific industries. These placements are coordinated and negotiated by both the student and the Workplace Coordinators, Mrs Danni Ryan, and Ms Natarsha Hickey.

Throughout the Senior years, Tyrrell College provides and encourages students to participate in extra curricula activities, events, incursions, and excursions. These include a VSSEC Mission to Mars Workshop, Fairfax Festival, State Schools Spectacular, Field Days Excursion, Industry Visits, Guest Speakers, Sports Workshops and more. We also encourage and provide opportunities for students to participate in a range of sporting activities to help develop the students’ mental and physical health.
(*Early entry is through approval by Principal, Pathways Coordinator and Parents/Guardians)

Senior Pathways VCE/VET

In 2025, the Senior School reforms will continue to be implemented to allow us to offer students a broad range of subjects and certificates. We are continuing to find innovative ways to add value to our senior programs.

The Senior School Reform involved the introduction of the Vocational Major (VM) certificate, which adds to the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE).
The Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC) continues to be offered as an alternative pathway for particular senior students. These programs have taken the place of the previous Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) program.

In the past, we have been able to offer a handful of Victorian Education and Training (VET) certificates. By upskilling our staff and working closely with other schools in the area, we are now able to offer a broader range of certificates to cater for our students’ interests and needs. These certificates not only engage the students at school but add value to the range of skills they have when they head out into the world.
Our array of VCE subjects on offer vary from year to year, based on student interest and the teaching staff available. We will be able to continue to offer a vast range of VCE subjects.

Students are reminded that they are to choose subjects based on their personal preference and pathway through the Senior years. While we endeavour to ensure all students get their ideal preferences, this sometimes cannot happen due to a number of reasons.

The subject blocks will be created based on the student preferences for their subjects and career pathways. If there is a subject that is not offered but is of interest, please contact the school to discuss options for the subject as we are happy to create individual programs for students.

What our Students Think

Teaching Staff Profiles

Carter, Kodi

Kodi Carter

Maths & Science
Cook, Leanne

Leanne Cook

Humanities & VPC
Durie, Lana

Lana Durie

VCE Biology & Science

Kerrin Griffiths

Health & PE & VET

Melanie Kelly

Leo, Damien

Damien Leo

Science & Maths

Kellie Matthews

CLIP & Agriculture

Rachel Pearce

VCE Maths & Science

Fiona Wright

English & Maths

John Wright

Design & Technology, VET Agriculture & Engineering

Patricia Amos

VCE Business Management, Food Technologies & VM
Widderington-Oliver, Katarina

Katarina Oliver

Lloyd, Stacey

Stacey Lloyd

VCE English

Kelly Hannig

Health & PE

Lousie Angwin

VCE English

Educational Support Staff Profiles

Jordie Allan


Trudy Symes

Acting Business Manager

Selina Cox

Education Support

Stephanie Rewha

Library, Food Tech Assistant & Science Lab Assistant

Andrea Rampling


Tarsh Hickey

Career Pathways Practitioner & VET Coordinator

Manoel Widderington-Oliver

Education Support