On Tuesday October 31, the students in VCE-VM PDS, held their very first edition of Beyond Blue’s The Big Blue Table. The event was aimed at raising community awareness of mental health issues in the community while also raising much needed funds for Beyond Blue. The students were responsible for planning the entire event. This included but was not limited to:
·The preparation and serving of a range of food to staff. A big thank you to those family members which assisted the students at home.
·The collection of resources to highlight mental health issues and the setup of an information table.
·A presentation to staff highlighting the issues in particular to those working in education.
·Where staff could go to seek help if they needed those services offered by Beyond Blue.
The morning tea was a great success and along with the information shared with staff, the students raised over $300.00. All the students need to be congratulated on their work and I look forward to seeing the event grow in 2024.
If you or someone you know is experiencing any mental health issues, we encourage you to seek out support or explore https://www.beyondblue.org.au/