
Primary Cluster Swimming Sports

On Friday February 9, in perfect weather conditions, our Grade 3-6 students eagerly participated in the annual Primary Swimming Sports. Combined with St Mary’s, all the kids were excited for race day and didn’t want to miss an opportunity to jump in the water. Starting with the Individual Medleys, all swimmers tried their absolute best with each lap and were assisted by great sportsmanship and cheering from the sidelines. With every single race that was swam, students from both schools encouraged one another to get from one end to the other and to try their best. Two records were broken in the 33m events, Leni Donnan breaking the 9-year-old girls Backstroke record and Levi Hall breaking the 9-year-old boys Freestyle record.

After all the 33m events were completed, students got in their teams and participated in the Freestyle and Medley Relays, with great enthusiasm and encouragement from within the pool and on pool deck. It was great to watch and see these races be close and some even come down to the final stroke. On completion of the relays, students participated in the noodle and kickboard races. It was great to watch these races as all students, confident or not as confident within the pool, have a go and enjoy themselves with each race. Overall, it was a great day out and all the kids had the best fun.

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