
New Bikes

On Monday August 20 Trudy Symes, Stacey Lloyd, David Gracia and the Primary School Captains- Finn Austerberry and Arli Roberts travelled to Swan Hill for the presentation of the Variety Children’s Charity bikes. They also were fortunate enough to see vehicles from Australia’s longest running charity motoring event, the Variety Bash! Over 10 days each year, the colourful convoy travels through rural parts of Australia, having a blast and supporting local communities and kids in need along the way. Variety – the Children’s Charity helps kids experiencing disadvantage. They provide support through the provision of grants for a range of equipment, to provide practical help to kids, schools, and organisations. Schools are invited to apply for a grant which will go towards the purchase of equipment that will promote all access and inclusivity for children aged 0-17 years from financial disadvantage, geographic isolation and/or living with a disability or chronic illness. A huge thank you to Trudy for all her work in applying for the grant for the bikes, the students were very excited to see the colourful array and different sizes of bikes on delivery day. This grant which was targeted at our Primary years and will give the opportunity for a Primary bike education program to be delivered at Tyrrell College, promoting bike safety, getting active and encouraging a healthy lifestyle.

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